
Hand WaveWelcome to Legit PTC Sites, a place where you can check out reviews and feedback on “Paid to Click” (PTC) sites, “Get Paid To” (GPT) platforms, and other online money making opportunities. We gather info from all over the web and share screenshots of what we find. Since websites can change or vanish over time, we think it’s important to keep track of this info and share it here—especially when some site owners have a habit of taking the money and running!

Reviews_and_Articles PTC Reviews and articles

The main goal of our blog is to give you reliable information about PTC/GPT programs and to help protect users by warning them about scam sites. Majority of the sites listed here are established, successful, well reputed and above all paying on time.

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Latest News

29 April, 2017: (ClixSense) Country Added: Vietnam – Great news to all from Vietnam! Today on April 29, ClixSense has finally opened registrations to people from Vietnam…
20 April, 2017: (ClixSense) Temporary problems with PayzaClixSense has announced on last Monday that they would be temporary unable to process cashout requests placed with Payza..
14 February, 2017: (ClixSense) Problems with PaypalClixSense has announced on 9th February they have to discontinue using Paypal payment services..
26 November, 2016: (CashNhits) – CashNhits was removed from our listings due to allegedly problems with hacking for more than 6 months now.
2 February, 2016: (EpicClix) – EpicClix has just been promoted from New Sites to our Trusted Sites listing.

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