Latest News
1 August, 2019: (ClixSense) ClixSense Becomes ySense - Today, August 1 2019, ClixSense officially become ySense. The site is now owned by the parent company of the famous Swagbucks, Prodege LLC...
29 April, 2017: (ClixSense) Country Added: Vietnam - Great news to all from Vietnam! Today on April 29, ClixSense has finally opened registrations to people from Vietnam...
20 April, 2017: (ClixSense) Temporary problems with Payza - ClixSense has announced on last Monday that they would be temporary unable to process cashout requests placed with Payza..
14 February, 2017: (ClixSense) Problems with Paypal – ClixSense has announced on 9th February they have to discontinue using Paypal payment services..
26 November, 2016: (CashNhits) – CashNhits was removed from our listings due to allegedly problems with hacking for more than 6 months now.
2 February, 2016: (EpicClix) – EpicClix has just been promoted from New Sites to our Trusted Sites listing